STOP SMOKING ONLINE F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) PAGE


Q.  Do I need to buy special software or supplies to take this program?


·        No. You will get everything from the internet directly using all free software (free Adobe Reader for documents).

·        Your browser, or just about any freeware player will play the MP3 audio files and MP4 videos.

·        You will need access to a printer as some reading projects and checklists will be done on paper.

·        Ideally, you will use a laptop for mobility. You may need an MP3 player as well, as some projects are best done in the bathroom.

·        You will need to purchase 3 bottles of vitamins. Other common items can be borrowed as needed & should be easy to find.


Q.  Why am I supposed to get 10 specific cigarettes to quit smoking?  Can I substitute any?


·        Aversion Therapy is a very important part of this program.

·        The cigarettes are necessary to make the smoker sick at strategic times.

·        It’s done twice, so that’s why 2 sets of 5 (total 10) are specified.

·        They have to be very strong to have the desired effect.

·        Substitutes are possible but please keep as close to the original list as you can.

You MUST include at least 1 heavy menthol cigarette both times.

No "light" or "low tar" or "extra filter" or "E-Cigarette" or any other gimmick
that reduces the impact of good old fashioned traditional full flavor/tar/nicotine "coffin nail" is allowed for aversion therapy. 

You may want to ask around or call your local tobacco shop and ask them if you have trouble getting what's on the list.

Ask your smoking friends if you can have 2 of theirs. Your supposed to be telling them you're quitting anyway.

Q.  Do I have to print every page? Can I save paper and still get the assignments done?


·        You should print the "what to bring, what to do" pages each day so you can take it with you and "check off" assignments as they are completed and attain materials you need for next therapy session.

·        You will obviously need to print the items you will be expected to write on and/or tape to your mirror or wherever.

·        Starting Monday (today's reading has writing assignments/forms in it, so you must print it) you can read the assignments on your computer/laptop/e-reader, etc. and save paper if you want.

·       Common sense should tell you what you really need to print as you go along. 
Do not cheat yourself on this very thorough and effective program just to save paper.

Q.  How do I know where to go for the next webpage in the program


·        ** There is a link at the bottom of each page, pointing to the next online therapy session **

·        You can save each page to favorites/bookmarks or use the history function of your browser to find your place again.


   Q.  Do I get a guarantee or warrantee?


·        NO! For the following reasons. Any sane individual can understand why.

·        Our "Quit Ratio" was 98% when the program was facilitated by a competent individual/helper.

·        In 29 years, no serious safety issues were encountered when program was facilitated by a competent individual/helper.

·        This is essentially the same $485 live program as before but now it is on video, audio, & PDF text at an 80% discount.

·        *** We have no control over you in your home. For that reason we cannot guarantee results.***

·        *** You accept all risks (and rewards), as it is * YOUR CHOICE * to execute this online stop smoking program!***

·        *** Ask your doctor if you have any health questions or concerns about the information in this course!***

Please give us a try. It will be the best decision you've made in a very long time!

By clicking the "Buy Now" button, purchasers accept conditions listed above in red for themselves and any other person they allow (knowingly or unknowingly) access to any part of this online stop smoking course!

Your information will be encrypted on a secure connection.

Click "Buy Now" button (below) to purchase:

Stop Smoking Clinic of America, Inc.
9903 Husting Court,
Chesterfield Virginia 23832
